• Question: my sisters studying chemistry and i think i want to follow in her foot steps but what would it take for me to get to your level

    Asked by _f_r_e_x_a_ to Lee on 18 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Lee Margetts

      Lee Margetts answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      I think the key is to have a genuine interest and passion for what you are doing. Then you become absorbed in it and do well. Life always throws up random opportunities that can give you a push. Sometimes these seem a bit scary, but you’ve got to grab each opportunity with enthusiasm and run with it. For example, for me, a short email exchange led to an invitation to teach in China.

      This applies to everything: chemistry, engineering, music, football, tennis, politics, teaching, meditation, yoga.

      I remember watching a documentary by Brian Eno – an amazing musician who pioneered the use of electronic music in the 1970s (Google Brian+Eno+Apollo). He said that it takes 10 years study to become an expert in something. It seems a long time, but if you love what you do, it can be a great way to spend your life.
