• Question: What new engineering specialty skills have you developed during the past year?

    Asked by DMCaidan11 to Hilly, Lee, Liz, Tadhg, Yasmin on 14 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by xkY3x, Annie_annie12, 939enec27, sethmarshy.
    • Photo: Lee Margetts

      Lee Margetts answered on 14 Jun 2015:

      Hi @DMCaidan11. This year, I’ve learned how engineers decide a nuclear reactor is operating within safe limits. I’ve also learned about the design of composites for aeroplanes.

    • Photo: Yasmin Ali

      Yasmin Ali answered on 14 Jun 2015:

      I’ve learned lots about how to design a gas platform and pipelines. I’ve also learned about how the seabed temperature of the North Sea varies over the seasons which is quite random information to know! I know more about 3D printing too – I went to a 3D printing factory in Belgium a few months ago to see it all in action.

    • Photo: Tadhg O'Donovan

      Tadhg O'Donovan answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      Hi DMCaidan11, I have been learning more about the sun and the solar spectrum recently. Solar panels only convert part of the solar spectrum (some of the wavelengths) to electricity. We can develop materials to move energy from one wavelength to another – to our advantage; it’s called up/down-conversion.
